If Winston Choo (Class of 1957) took the advice of Thio Chan
Bee, his Principal in ACS, the history of the Singapore Armed
Forces would have been very different.
He had gone to the Principal for a testimonial to join the
Singapore Military Forces and was flatly told that good ACS
boys did not join the army. But Winston Choo did not just join
the army, he rose to the top post of Chief of Defence Force
with the rank of Lieutenant-General. He shaped the values and
culture of the SAF. He built National Service as an institution,
professionalised the Army, Navy and Air Force as well as
developed the Joint Staff and integrated the tri-service.
Thio Chan Bee was not the only one who did not think that
Winston should pursue a military career. Winston’s father had
hopes that he would one day be a doctor or lawyer. So, when
he told his parents on Christmas Eve that he was going to
military college in less than 10 days’ time, all hell broke loose.
Winston’s reply was straight forward: “I am so sorry, but I want
to be a soldier.”
Winston was in Pre-U Two (Year 2 A levels today) in 1959 when
he responded to an advertisement published by the Singapore
Military Forces inviting applicants for an officer cadet course at
Federation Military College. The medical test for the application
fell on the day of two A levels exams, but he was so determined
to be selected that he rushed through the History paper in
the morning, went for the medical, then rushed back for the
afternoon paper.
He had been interested in the military since secondary school,
having been attracted to uniforms, outdoor life and discipline.
His first attempt to sign up was by joining the Singapore
Volunteer Corps corps of drums earlier that year. Although he
became a bugler, his drumming skills were well developed.
Teo Hock Hye, a classmate, recounts how the class was jolted
by a sudden racket from the back of the classroom as they were
busy preparing for their Form 3 (now Secondary 3) final exams.
“Turning around, I saw two boys beating the wooden top of the
desk with two sticks – one was Winston and the other Teddy
Yong – trying to outmatch each other with their drumming.”
Winston Choo joined ACS at Barker Road for his secondary
education. He had transferred from Monk’s Hill Primary
School, near his home, just escaping the secondary school
entrance exams required only for government schools. It was
his father who sent him to ACS, as his father and uncles went
to the school to which his maternal grandfather had made a
significant donation.
Unlike the sons of well-to-do families who were driven to school
by car, Winston walked from his home in Makepeace Road
off Newton to Barker Road, saving 10 cents out of his daily
allowance of 50 cents by not taking the public bus. A drink and
noodles during recess then cost at most 20 cents. He used his
savings to buy things like a torchlight or a penknife, but never
books – although he did borrow comics from friends.
One schoolmate, Jimmy Ho Chee Meng, recounted how once
Mr Earnest Lau spotted Winston browsing in a bookshop and
remarked cynically, “So, is this the first time you are reading?”
Winston, on the other hand, remembers Mr Gurdial Singh, his
Secondary 2 Literature teacher. Mr Singh had awarded him a
prize for an essay on “The Ladder of St Augustine” by Henry
Longfellow. A line from the poem, which became Winston’s
guiding light, foreshadowed his rise in his chosen career: “The
heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by
sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were
toiling upward in the night.”
Although Winston enjoyed classes, he confessed that he spent
more time in extra-curricular activities than studying. (He is
known for borrowing notes and essays from female classmates
in Pre-U when he skipped classes.) He loved sports and played
individual games like badminton. He swam and ran. He also
joined any team that was willing to take him. He was school
football captain, and goalkeeper for the ACS and combined
schools teams. When Earnest Lau formed the school rugby team,
he sought out the non-reader and made him captain.
Rugby has a special place in Winston’s heart. To him, it is a
game for ruffians played by gentlemen. That is why when he was
Chief of Defence Force, he made rugby compulsory for office
cadets. He did it because rugby, involving physical contact like
no other game, requires teamwork, guts and character, as well
as quick thinking, strategy and tactics.
In Winston Choo’s own words: “I preferred team sports because
I enjoyed the thrill and camaraderie of working together to
achieve a common goal. I believe that team sports teach you to
work together with people, help you to understand people, and
provide opportunities to develop leadership skills. I reckon I did
well later in military college because I was a sportsman. I could
take the rough and tumble, I understood teamwork and could
get people to work with me. The other thing about sports is the
importance of sportsmanship, a trait that is so consequential
in life.”

Winston Choo, standing in the centre of
the front row
among his ACS Form 2 schoolmates, 1954 |

Mrs Choo
congratulating Winston on his
promotion to Lieutenant-General,
30 June'88 |

tactical HQ radio detachment at Tanjung
Sedeli, Johor,
during a search-and-destroy operation.
Konfrontasi, 1964 |
Winston being
piped aboard during a visit to an RSN
ship,1976 |
The bulk of the above comes from LG (Ret) Winston Choo’s
memoir, A Soldier at Heart, which also covers his post-military
career as Chairman of the Singapore Red Cross and a diplomat.
Written with Chua Siew San and Judith d’Silva, and published
by Landmark Books, it was officially launched at Temasek Club
on 16 July 2021.
On the head table at the launch were two other ACSians,
LG Melvyn Ong, current Chief of Defence Force (Class of 1992)
and Peter Ho (Class of 1970) who was Permanent Secretary
(Defence), then Head of Civil Service and Permanent Secretary
(Foreign Affairs).
Guest-of-honour, Mr Teo Chee Hean, Senior Minister and
Coordinating Minister for National Security, said in his speech
that he had the privilege to serve under Winston Choo’s
command throughout his career in the SAF. “I observed him and
learnt from him. I saw how he valued his soldiers, sailors and
airmen, and engaged them easily. They trusted him because of
his open and sincere manner. He believed that a robust esprit de
corps was the glue that would bind the SAF and make it strong.…
General Choo instilled in them a sense of mission to serve our
young nation. He led and guided generations of SAF officers
who helped him bring the SAF forward – our SAF forward.”
In his reply, Winston shared that he had never intended
and was consistently reluctant to produce his memoirs. He
was persuaded by the publisher Goh Eck Kheng, Col (Ret)
Ramachandran Menon, and the two co-authors, to seriously
consider. However, it was his wife, and children who eventually
changed his mind.
Winston’s grandsons Daniel Choo (Class of 2016) and Ethan
Sum (Class of 2017), and granddaughter Dana Choo then read
excerpts from the memoir. His son, Warren Choo (Class of
1986), also read on behalf of his daughter, Deanne Choo, who
was away from Singapore for tennis training and tournaments.
Winston was surprised on arrival at the launch by a portrait of
himself painted by Dana. It was a special gift for his 80th birthday
on 18 July 2021.
A Solider at Heart debuted on top of The Straits Times
bestsellers’ list for non-fiction. Copies are available in all major
bookshops at S$35.

Three generations of ACSians and soldiers. From left: Ethan Sum,
Warren Choo, LG (Ret) Winston Choo and Daniel Choo

Winston's granddaughter Dana (left) surprised him with
portrait for his 80th birthday at the launch of his memior |

VIPs at the launch of A Soldier At Heart (from left): Mrs Katherine Choo,
SM Teo Chee Hian, LG (Ret) Winston Choo, LG Melvyn Ong and Mr Peter Ho |
Winston presented a copy of his memoir
to SM Teo who responded with a salute |